Transforming Livelihoods through Landscape Restoration in the Sahel (LoGMe)

Project Summary

The Sahel and Savannah zones in West Africa face challenges such as declining resources, droughts, land degradation, and poverty. The region heavily relies on agriculture, livestock, and forestry for income, but land degradation threatens livelihoods. This project aims to restore degraded landscapes and improve lives in the Sahel. Countries like Burkina Faso, Ghana, and Niger are committed to Land Degradation Neutrality by restoring degraded lands and preventing further degradation. Initiatives include reforestation, improving productivity, and reducing degraded land area by 2030. 

The project will ultimately benefit rural poor populations and local communities through
improvements in agricultural production, food security, livelihood development and growing
resilience to climate change.

The project was made possible through funding from the Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea, under the Global Mechanism of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. 


Overall Objective

The overall objective of the project is to make a significant and sustainable
contribution towards landscape restoration in the Sahel while creating income-generating activities
for local communities in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Niger.

Specific Objectives

  1. To promote landscape restoration and facilitate the sustainability of these actions through the creation of land- based jobs and income-generating opportunities for rural populations across the Sahel, particularly benefiting women and youth.
  2. To promote and strengthen the environment that will enable the leveraging of investments for landscape restoration that will benefit local communities in selected countries in Sahel.
  3. to improve the livelihoods of rural communities by establishing sustainable production of high-value drylands products to connect local producers to international markets.

Expected results are; 

  • The restoration of an estimated 20,000 hectares of degraded lands
  • The enabling environment in place to facilitate investments in landscape restoration in selected local communities in the Sahel.
  • New sustainable sources of income generation with associated social impact supporting an estimated 300,000 beneficiaries, with a particular attention to vulnerable groups including young people and women.

Target Landscapes

Dalaasa, Naadema (Builsa South District); Yamerga, Awaredone (Talensi District) in the Upper East Region; and Nanchala and Sakalu (Sisala East District) in the Upper West Region.

Project Duration: 3 YEARS.
Funded by: Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea  through Global Mechanism of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
Project Implementing Lead: International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN Ghana)
Implementing Partners: A Rocha Ghana, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research – Savannah Agriculture Research Institute (CSIR-SARI), the Water Resources Commission, and the Department of Agriculture.