Environmental Education

A Rocha Ghana’s schools program seeks to actively engage children and youth on issues of environmental concern both locally and globally.

The programme is focused on imparting knowledge to students with the aid of their teachers and parents to explore their environment and to make effective contributions in identifying and mobilising themselves to address environmental problems within their schools and communities. We carry out workshops, teacher training, environmental clubs and school visits, as well as  seeking to build partnerships, connect and form alliances with like-minded agencies and entities with aligned commitments, opportunities and potentials.  We teach:
  1. The human-nature model: The human nature model adopted by the school’s programme brings students to biodiversity hotspots and critical ecosystem areas of conservation concern to interact with nature at first hand and also learn the various localised strategies, benefits and challenges associated with biodiversity conservation.
  2. Career aspiration guidance: Career guidance will be organized towards students and youths. They will be encouraged and inspired to increase environmental consciousness in all aspects of their future endeavors and careers
  3. Skill and knowledge enhancement: Equipping students with citizen science skills e.g. water quality monitoring, flora and fauna survey, nature photography, environmental DIYs etc.
  4. Strategic environmental actions: To empower the youth to take on practical actions towards environmental challenges whiles learning how to create and manage activities such as tree planting, waste separation, school garden creation, awareness creation on environmental commemorative days etc.
  5. Participatory learning: To raise awareness utilizing creative action tools e.g. art, dance, debates, poetry etc.
We often involve children and youth in our activities around environmental commemorative days. You can read more about these here. [Insert link to project page]

If your school is interested in joining our Environmental Programme, please fill in the form below:

Environmental Schools' Programme
Level *
Do you already have an existing club/eco body? *
Areas of Interest *

Tertiary students

A Rocha KNUST is A Rocha Ghana’s tertiary students’ wing located at the Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). The group is one of the leading tertiary students’ associations in Ghana dedicated to conservation efforts. For over a decade, the association has served as a training and exposure platform to several Ghanaian renowned conservationists. Currently standing with a membership of 352 students, the group with guidance from A Rocha Ghana continues to engage in activities that benefit nature.

“We recognize that environmental education has become an essential component of education equal to reading, writing and arithmetic.”The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review, HM Treasury, 2021
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