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Six Communities Get Renewable Energy Facilities

Renewable energy facilities have been established and handed over to six communities across four districts in the Upper West and Upper East Regions.

These facilities consist of Solar-powered mechanized boreholes, charging centers, street lamps, and eco-friendly shea processing units.

The project was made possible through funding from the Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea, under the Global Mechanism of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. This initiative falls under the “Creating Lands of Opportunity: Transforming Livelihoods through Landscape Restoration in the Sahel (LoGMe)” project, led by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN Ghana) in collaboration with A Rocha Ghana, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research – Savannah Agriculture Research Institute (CSIR-SARI), the Water Resources Commission, and the Department of Agriculture.

Solar-powered Borehole

The primary objective is to significantly contribute to landscape restoration in the Sahel while establishing income-generating opportunities for local communities. The LoGMe project is being executed in Dalaasa, Naadema (Builsa South District); Yamerga, Awaredone (Talensi District) in the Upper East Region; and Nanchala and Sakalu (Sisala East District) in the Upper West Region.

These renewable energy facilities aim to provide sustainable and efficient access to basic household electricity and meet community and production needs effectively.

The distribution of the facilities is as follows;

  • Nanchalla – solar mechanized borehole and shea processing center
  • Dalaasa  – solar mechanized borehole, solar charging center, solar street lamp, and shea processing center
  • Naadema – Shea processing center
  • Gbango – solar mechanized borehole, solar charging center, and solar street lamp,
  • Tarikome – solar charging center and solar street lamp
  • Yameriga – solar mechanized borehole
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World Environment Day- Press Release

On the occasion of World Environment Day under the theme “Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience,” it is a critical moment for all state and non-state actors to reflect deeply on our environmental footprint. We must ask ourselves if we are proud with how we have stood by and allowed the destruction of our water bodies, forest reserves, and environment. Why have we become spectators, watching a few individuals, connected to the seat of government or otherwise, to plunder and destroy the priceless natural resources that have sustained us for generations?

What kind of future are we preparing to hand over to our children and their descendants?

On this special day, we all need to recognize the crucial responsibility in bringing about positive environmental changes. We all need to rise up in our communities, workplaces, and our homes to take action to end the unprecedented environmental destruction, particularly the scourge of irresponsible legal and illegal mining, that has led to the destruction of our productive lands, water bodies and forests and exposed citizens today and tomorrow to health, food insecurity and water scarcity risks.

While citizens respond to the clarion call to aggressively restore the land and plant more trees, we demand same commitment, without contradictions from our government in ensuring that our works are not in vain by taking action to secure existing forests and protecting the sanctity of our rivers and watersheds.

We call on the government to honor its commitments to ensuring a healthy environment and the well-being of Ghanaians by:

  1. Repealing LI 2462, which practically opens up all our forest reserves for mining. Immediate steps must be taken to suspend all mining concessions in these vital life supporting ecosystems.
  2. Acting swiftly to restore our water bodies and ensure quality water supply for all.
  3. As we approach Green Ghana Day on June 7th, a day meant to contribute to greening Ghana, it is important to remember that before planting new trees, we must first secure existing forests.

Our forests and waterbodies play a critical role in stopping the spread of desertification and contributing to Ghana’s drought resilience.

The government is reminded of its fiduciary duty to protect the welfare of Ghanaians. Leadership must take responsibility and rally us all towards sustainable development. The current impunity resulting in environmental destruction must end.

We wish everyone a memorable World Environment Day and urge all to take meaningful action for the future of our environment and our country, Ghana.

Long Live Ghana

Daryl Bosu
Deputy National Director
A Rocha Ghana
Tel: +233202555727
Email: [email protected]