Transboundary monitoring of timber trafficking in Ghana-USFS

Project Purpose

The aim of the project is to develop a robust 3rd party monitoring programme that empowers CSOs and communities to contribute to addressing the challenges posed by illegal logging and timber trafficking in Ghana. A major goal is to make this programme so useful that it finds a permanent place in the forestry sector of Ghana where it can be maintained, expanded, and updated on an ongoing basis, thereby ultimately contributing to sustainable forest management and conservation efforts.

Project Goal

Contribute to effectively addressing drivers of illegal logging and timber trafficking along the supply chain by implementing a robust third-party monitoring framework led by CSOs in Ghana; in partnership with communities and the Ghana’s VPA third-party monitor.

Target Landscapes

Upper East, Upper West, Bono, Western North Regions.

Project Objectives

  1. A Rocha Ghana and its CSO network’s capacity enhanced to confidently identify timber species and process timber identification as well as understand the relevant regulations governing timber logging, processing and trade in Ghana.
  2. Increase awareness on timber trafficking with evidence gathered from the monitoring programme.
  3. An inclusive monitoring system and tools developed by A Rocha Ghana and networks partners adopted for joint monitoring activities with communities, Forestry Commission and CEPS.

More Info

The project aims to establish a reliable third-party monitoring system that enables Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and communities to play a role in combating the issues associated with illegal logging and timber trafficking in Ghana. Here are the key points of the initiative:

  • Strong partnerships will be forged with local stakeholders, including community members, environmental groups, and law enforcement agencies.
  • Training sessions will empower CSOs and community members to monitor and document instances of timber trafficking effectively.
  • Advanced technologies like the Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) application, utilizing satellite imagery and GPS tracking, will enhance monitoring accuracy and efficiency.
  • The use of tools such as the Xylorix pocket wood app and Xylorix Inspector for wood identification will address challenges related to wrong identification of wood within the timber value chain.

Project Duration: 10 Months
Funded by: US Forest Service
Project Implementing Lead: A Rocha Ghana
Implementing Partners: ORGIIS Ghana,  Community Partners For Development-Ghana (COMPAD-GH), The Resource Foundation 

Technical Support: Timber Industry Development Division (TIDD) of Forestry Commission

Project Launch: Gallery

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