Ghana Shea Emission Reductions Project (GSLERP)

Project Context

The project is being implemented with the Savannah Fruits Company (SFC) to restore off-reserve savannah forests/woodlands, degraded shea parklands, and to create an integrated monitoring system for safeguards, forest monitoring and reporting systems in Community Resource Management Areas (CREMAs).

Funders: Green Climate Fund, UNDP, Forestry Commission, Global Shea Alliance (GSA)


The project outputs are focused on restoring and sustainably managing the shea parklands and strengthening value chains for shea processing with specificity on setting up of community nurseries, tree planting and parkland management training activities, warehouse construction, cooperative development and improvement in the capacities, technologies and
efficiency of women.


  • Establishment of 6 tree nurseries to raise shea and non-shea seedlings
  • Restoration of degraded landscapes
  • Training in Parkland Management
  • Women training in cooperative development, governance, improved technology, business management aggregation, auditing, marketing, quality etc.
  • Construction of Warehouse
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