Mobilizing More for Climate (MoMo4C)

Project Context

Mobilizing More for Climate (MoMo4C) is a five-year programme (2020-2024) funded by the Dutch Foreign Affairs Ministry in partnership with IUCN NL, WWF NL, and Tropenbos International which seek to Develop Innovative Finance for Climate Action Using a Landscape Approach. In Ghana, the program is being implemented by A Rocha Ghana and Tropenbos Ghana in the Mole and Juabeso-Bia Landscape respectively.
The programme aims to bring together entrepreneurs, corporates, policymakers, investors, and civil society organisations to make green business propositions. These should tackle the impacts and causes of climate change at a landscape level in developing countries, contribute to climate-resilience and (gender) inclusive, sustainable development in the landscapes where they are proposed, and attract investments to implement these initiatives.


  • Create the Enabling Environment for state agencies, the private sector, and civil society organizations to towards the goal.


  • Support the development of Business Cases for Public and Private Investors.


  • Harvest lessons for sharing and ensuring the sustainability of programs initiated


  • Climate Vulnerability Assessment
  • Support to Protected Area Management Advisory Units (PAMAUs)
  • Green business training for youth and women
  • Business incubation for 20 businesses
  • Financial and technical support to 3 selected businesses

Project Duration: 5 YEARS.
Funded by: Dutch Foreign Affairs Ministry in partnership with IUCN NL, WWF NL, and Tropenbos International
Implementing Partners: A Rocha Ghana, Tropenbos Ghana

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